Shell MegaPack Net 7 1 released
Released on = September 4, 2006, 3:29 am
Press Release Author = Sky Software
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = Shell MegaPack.Net 7.1 brings drop-in Windows Explorer shell browsing functionality to your app with its FolderView, FileView and ShComboBox controls. It supports contextmenus,dragdrop,icons,virtual items,renaming,infotips and Thumbnail/Details/Group Views similar to Explorer but it is miles ahead with features like filtering, checkboxes and customization of context menus, displaynames and columns.The new version fully supports all Visual Studio and .Net versions including Visual Studio 2005 and .Net 2.0. For More Information, Visit,
Press Release Body = Shell MegaPack.Net brings drop-in Windows Explorer shell browsing functionality to your .Net application. Consisting of a folder tree control, a file/folder list control and a drive-selection control, it mimics every Windows Explorer feature including Thumbnail/Details/Group Views, dragdrop, icons, context menus, virtual items, infotips and renaming. Its powerful behavior control and customization functionality takes it miles ahead of Windows Explorer by adding features like item filtering, item checkboxes, custom items, custom columns and customization of context menus, dragdrop, appearance, display names, icons, overlay icons and infotips. Also included is ShellObjects - a set of controls which bring various useful shell features to your app included the ability to display multiple MSN/Office2003 style popups, animated tray icons and create and read shortcuts and internet shortcuts.The new version fully supports all Visual Studio and .Net versions including Visual Studio 2005 and .Net 2.0.
Complete Windows Explorer look, feel and behavior ----------------------------------------- *Identical displaynames, icons and overlay icons shown for files/folders. *Complete support for all viewstyles including 'Thumbnail' and 'Details' and 'GroupView' styles. *Identical dragdrop functionality. *Identical renaming functionality. *Identical display of infotips for files/folders. *Identical display of contextmenus ( including \'Send To\' and any other submenus) for files/folders. *Identical default-key handling functionality ( e.g. Alt-Enter shows the properties dialog box) *Powerful AutoUpdate functionality refreshes controls automatically when files/folders are renamed, deleted or created.
Advanced customization features Developer specified displaynames for files/folders. ----------------------------------------------- *Developer specified icons and overlay icons for files/folders. *Display of custom items ( i.e. items not belonging to the shell ). *Display of custom columns in 'Details' mode. *Fully customize the Windows context menu shown for files/folders. *Display of developer specified infotips for files/folders. *Developer controlled filtering of files/folders ( using a simple event ) *Display of checkboxes next to each file/folder. *Total appearance control by changing backcolor, forecolor, text fonts and other properties.
Web Site =
Contact Details = Contact: Atul Godbole Company: Sky Software Email:
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